HomeMy WebLinkAboutMulti Year ForecastDate: March 7, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Tom Brymer, Town Manager/Superintendent oz SUBJECT: Multi-Year Financial Forecast Scenarios Based on State Funding Reductions Attached for Board review and discussion please find financial forecast scenarios and their projected impact over a multi-year planning scenario based on these factors: • Reduction in State funding of 5% 0 Reduction in State Funding of 10% • Reduction in State funding of 15% Many of these scenarios would impact (reduce) our WA fund balance. No assumptions were made about additional private funding sources. • Maintain current service level and enrollment (520) Expanded block schedule "Option B" -note: this is previous BOT direction for 2011-12 1 Increase enrollment beyond Option B by adding 2 students per grade Duration • State funding reductions? o Use an incremental approach? I.E. one approach during first year of biennium, a different approach during second year • Biennium? 3 Village Circle, Suite zo:z -Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 817-430-0941 - Fax: 817-430-1812 - www.westlake-tx.org Long-range m I Financia " i Forecast A=dministration March 10, 2011 omen .' Introduction...................................... ............................... 3 ..... .................................................... ............................... Financial Scenarios & Assumptions .... ............................... 3 .................................................. ............................... Financial Analysis Matrix ............... ............................... 3 ................................................... ............................... Scenarios1 -4 — 5% FSP Reduction .......................................................................................... ............................... 2 Scenarios 5 -8 — 10% FSP reduction 3 Scenarios 9 -12 —15% FSP reduction ...................................................................... ............................... 3 Reductions in Program Expenditures ......................... ...................................................... .............................16 PYPProgram ................................ ............................... .............. .............................16 MYPProgram ................................. ............................... ..................... ............................... 16 DPProgram ..................................... ............................... ........................... 17 Special Education Program ............. ............................... ............................... 17 ........................ ............................... Information Technology ................. ............................... ........... 18 Figures Figure 1 - Financial Analysis Matrix .......................... ............................... 2 ............................. ............................... . Figure 2 — 5% FSP Reduction Scenario Matrix 2 ................................... ............................... Figure 3 - 10% FSP Reduction Scenario Matrix 3 Figure 4 - 15% Reduction Scenario Matrix ....................... ............................... 3 .......... ............................... `as Table 1— Scenario 1 ............................. 4 Table 2 — Scenario 2 .................. ............................... Table 3 — Scenario 3 ...... ............................... 6 .............................. Table 4 — Scenario 4 ................ ............................... 7 Table 5 —Scenario 5 ........................ ............................... 8 ......................................................... ............................... Table 6 —Scenario 6 ..... ............................... 9 ............. ............................... Table7— Scenario 7 ................................. ................. .............. .............. ............ 10 ........................ ............................... Table 8 — Scenario 8 ............................. ............................... 11 ...... ............................... Table9 — Scenario 9 ........... ............................... ...... ...................... 12 ..................................... ............................... Table10 — Scenario 10 ..................... ............................... .............. .............. 13 .............................. ............................... Table11— Scenario 11 .............................................................. ................... ............................... 14 Table12 — Scenario 12 .............................................................................................................. ............................... 15 Table 13 - PYP Program Ranking ..................................................... ............................... ............ 16 ............................. Table 14 - MYP Program Ranking ................... ............................... ............. ................ 17 .............. ............................... Table 15 - DP Program Ranking ......................... .......... 17 Table 16 - Special Education Program Ranking . ............................... .............. ..................18 ........ ............................... Table 17 - Informational Technology Ranking .......................................................................... ............................... 18 1 Introduction The Foundation State Program (FSP) is the primary funding source of public education in Texas. This revenue is generated through state sales tax and recapturing property taxes (aka Robin Nood\. These funds are generated |ocaUyand are nonmaUynot dedto federal nnatchingfunds. FnrthisreasontheFS' is the easiest and currently the primary target for reductions in public education spending. As a charter school, Westlake Academy's funding is tied to four primary funding sources: 1. Tier 1 revenues are paid to school districts based upon Target Revenues per pupil. All charter schools receive the Average Adjusted Target Revenue of$5,940 per student. Z. Tier 2 revenues are determined by the property valuations of the students served and the Weighted Daily Average Attendance (VVADA). The variation is determined by formula and factors include e districts property wealth and demographics of population served. Westlake Academy receives approximately $42D per student. 3. Additional State Aid for Tax Reduction is closely tied to the Tier Z revenues and Westlake Academy receives approximately $6S1 per student. 4. Special Revenue funding is considered a reimbursement for services to special populations: special education,vocabnna|educetion,8i1tedandta|entedprograms,cunnpemsatoryeducadon,etc. These funds are tied to federal funding and are not being considered for spending reductions. Westlake Academy receives approximately $4O7 per student. Tier I funds represent approximately 80% of the state funding received by Westlake Academy. |n series of updates from news media and conversations with the Region 11 Education Service Center, it has been made clear that there will be a reduction in public education spending in the upcoming biennium, the level has not yet been determined. The current legislation in the House and Senate propose a reduction in FSP funding between 23-25 percent (23Y6'25Y6). In addition, the legislature may be delaying or withholding the July and/or August payments for the 2O18/1I fiscal year. |tb unclear atthis time when the repayment would be made, which will impact the Academy's Fund Balance and may further limit the Academy's ability to operate at a deficit. Financial Scenarios & Assumptions The assumptions used in analyzing the scenarios include: w 100% use of the Blacksmith Annual Funds 0 5-15Y6 Reduction inFSP revenues through FY Z012/13 m ]% growth in all other revenue sources 0 3% FSP growth beginning in FY 2013/14 « Salaries & Wages flat until FY2013/l4 * 3% growth in all other expenditures -- * Transfer indirect costs from the Town tothe Academy m 3% growth in Salaries & Wages beginning inFY ZO13/14 The two models being evaluated in this analysis, as seen in Figure 1, are maintaining the "Status Quo" and implementing "Option 8^. The financial impact on the Academy will be studied using two variables: first, an 3 ' increase in the student population, 6uadding two new students per class in grades 1thru12, and second, by applying FSP funding reductions outlined below: *Scenarios n 1'4 .................................. ~.................................................. 5% reduction in FSP funding *Scenarios 5-8 ------------^-------_-------.lO%reducbon in FSP funding *Scenarios 9-12 ~--------'--------~---------1S% reduction in FSP funding Do I ~� � 4-J *n cn z (� (� ��l No Change Maintain the Status Quo Add 2 New Students/Class No Additional Staff orFacilities NU Change tOthe Plan Implement Option B Additional Staff and Facilities 4,8,12 Implement option B Add 2 New Students/Class Additional Staff and Facilities Figure z Financial AnahsisxwFt�m Scetiarlos 1-4-59% FSP Reduction This matrix shows the impact onFY2O11/1I (see Table 1-4 for more detailed financial information). With afive percent (5%) reduction in funding, options I and 3 incur total expenditures exceeding total revenues requiring use of Fund Balance and reduce the number mf operating days. Options 2 and 4 total revenues exceed total expenditures and increase the Fund Balance. ~� � 4-J w �Co W M -0 _ (� -528 Students 3 _606 Students -45.3 Teaching Staff -50.3 Teaching Staff -18.8 FTE Support Staff -18.8 FTE Support Staff -37 Operating Days -52 Operating Days 2 -577 Students 4 -663 Students -45.3 Teaching Staff -50.3 Teaching Staff -18.8 FTE Support Staff -18.8 FTE Support Staff -24,880 Exp. over Rev. -358,631 Rev. over Exp. -67 Operating Days -84 Operating Days 2 pit-urez-_Y,""�pSr scena'�mmw��/x Scenarios 5-8_10% FSPRedtiction This matrix shows the impact on FY 2011/12 (see Table 5-8 for more detailed financial information). With aten percent (1OY6) reduction in funding, options 5-7 incur total expenditures exceeding total revenues requiring use of Fund Balance and reduce the number of operating days. Option 8 total revenues exceed total expenditures and increase the Fund Balance. INA gW Sceiiayios 9~1.2 - -15% FSPReductiot, Figure FsP Reduction Scenario Matrix This matrix shows the impact on FY 2011/12 (see Table 9-12 for more detailed financial information). With fifteen percent (15%) reduction in funding, options 9 - 12 incur total expenditures exceeding total revenues requiring use of Fund Balance and reduce the number of operating days. 4. � 4-1 � Q) C:w � ro _0 _ Ln U 9 —528 Students —606 Students —45.3 Teaching Staff —50.3 Teaching Staff —18.8 FTE Support Staff —18.8 FTE Support Staff —13 Operating Days —28 Operating Days 10 —577 Students 12 —663 Students —45.3 Teaching Staff —50.3 Teaching Staff —18.8 FTE Support Staff —18.8 FTE Support Staff —41 Operating Days —57 Operating Days 3 p�m, � �S�meuuc�n��nmmvomam,� T-1 MEM= Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GENERAL FUND BFG. 13ALANCE 767,490 $ 960.388 $ 592,393 $ 88,993 (591,685) (1,3M298) (2,024,382) (2,795,400) S (3,596,937) S REVENUES (4,485,377) (5,407,631) Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 66,804 69,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77.444 79,767 82,160 84.625 87,164 ReVC11LIC 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 M201 15,657 16J27 Other Local 520,000 422,400 422,400 422,400 422,400 422,400 420,800 420.800 406,400 406.400 406,400 WAF Blacksmith 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Interest Earned 3,000 3,090 3,183 3.278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4.032 Food Services 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69,820 Athletic Activities Transportaiion/Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 Total Local Revenues, 6S6,151 575,610 582,690 586,933 591,303 596,370 599,989 605,365 596,50 1� 002,205 608,079 State Revenue 3,939,943 4,042,770 4,164,053 4,142,204 3,748,836 3,605,606 3,605,606 3,713,775 3.825,199 4�266,470 4,394,464 TEA - FSP Funds TRS On-belialf/IvIedicare Part B 195,795 188,314 1,98,3 14 193,964 199,783 205,776 211,147 217,481 216,340 222,850 229,515 . Totil State Revenues 3,944,631 3,793,921 3,793,921 3,907,738 4,024,971 4,145,720 4,253,917 4,381,534 4,358,544 4,489,300 4,623,979 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 4,369,531 4,376,610 4,494,671 4,616,273 4,742,089 4,853,906 4,936,899 41M5,045 5,091,504 5,232,058 EXPENDITURES 3,253.604 3,174,254 3,270,306 3,517,545 3,617,837 3,721,137 3,827,536 3,937,12' 3,936.637 4.049,705 4,166,166 Object Code 61XX - Salaries 641,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722.289 743,958 766.277 799,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Object Code 62XX - Prof. Contracted Services - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 397,016 398,627 410,586 422.903 435,590 448�658 Indirect Costs - Transfer from Town 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,859 284,134 292,659 301,438 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333.716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386,968 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - - - - Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - - - 398,474 410,428 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 4,724,696 4,867,261 5,162,409 5,312,046 5,466,173 5,624,923 5,788,436 5,343;485 6,013,759 6,139,141 OTHER RESOURCES/uSES Other RCWLH'CCS 7.000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - Other RCSOLIMCS (Portable Buildings) - - - (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,940) Transfers Out Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 192,898 (369,005) (503,491) (610,578) (708,613) (724,084) .(771,018) (01,538) (988,440) (922,254) (957,083) 960,398 592,383 89,893 (591.685) (1,300,298) (2,024,382) (2,795,400) (3,596,937) (4,485.377) (5,407,631) (6,364,714) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1 M000 100,000 100.000 Assigned - Tochnoloi.Y/FFE 100.000 Unilbrin/Equipment Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,839 14,838 .14,838 14,838 14.838 Assigned - 711,775) (4,600,215) ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 477,145 (25,945) (706,523) 1,4 15,13 6) (2,139,220) (2.910,238) (3, 1, - (5,521,469) .- - (6,479,552) 365) 70 37 (2) (50) (97) (143) (189) (234) (287) (335) (382) # of Opernting Days (based on Students Enrolled 1-76 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 Primary 280 296 238 232 252 2) 5 2 252 252 250 250 232 232 232 Secondary 518.0 528.0 528M 528.0 528.0 528.0 526.0 526.0 503.0 508.0 508.0 Total Students Ell"011cd Tenching StafT 2-3.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 Priarnry 23.2 23.2 22.1 22.1 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23,9 23.9 22,1 22.1 22.1 Secondary 45.3 45.3 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 45.3 45,3 45.3 Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015M6 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GrNERAL FUND BEG. BALANCE 767,490 960,389 985,268 974,662 $ 577,516 $ 262.658 (57,040) S (414,499) (791,245) $ (1,260,210) (1,751,538) REVENUES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 66,804 69,808 70,872 72,999 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local Revenue 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 461,760 461,760 461,760 461,760 461.760 460,000 460,000 444,100 444,160 444,160 Interest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,689 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3.090 3,183 3.278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 MOO 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 59,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69,820 TransportaLion/Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 614,970 622,050 620,293 630,663 635,730 639,189 644,565 6X261 639,965 645,839_ Total Local Revenues 686,151 State Reveime TEA - FSP Funds 3,74S,836 3,941,583 3.941,583 4,059,831 4,181,626 4,307,075 4,419,378 4,551,959 4,527,070 4,662,882 4.902,768 TRS On-behalf/Medicare Part B 195,795 205,862 205.862 212,038 218,399 224,95 1 23MI6 237,741 36,44L,_ 43,5�� - 0 go�� Total state Revenues 3,944,631 4,147,445 4,147,445 4,271,809 4,400,025 4,532,025 4,650,194 4,789,700 4,763,511 4,900,416 5,053,608 TOTAL REVENUrS 4,630,782 4,762,416 4,769,495 4,898,161 5,030,687 5J67,755 5,239,383 5,434,264 5,397,7721 5,546,330, �,699,:t47, EXPENDITURES Object Code 61 XX - Salaries 3,253,604 3,174,254 3,270,306 3,537,603 3,639,496 3,742,416 3,849,454 3,959,703 3,959,889 4,073,655 4,190,834 object Code 62XX - Prof, Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 690.827 701,252 722,289 743,958 766,277 789,165 812,943 837.331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Transfer from Town 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,659 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 224,298 231,027 237,958 245.097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 396,868 398,474 410A28 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - - 4,867,261 5,182,467 5,332,706 5,487,452 646,841 6.031,709 6,213,809 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 4,724,696 OTHER RESOURCFSIUSES Other RCSOUrces 7,000 7,000 7,000 7.000 7,000 Other RCSOUrces (Portable Buildings) - - Transfers Out (19,840) (19,840) (19�840) (.1�9,840) (297,146) (19,840) (314,859) (319,697) (357,458) (468,965) (491,328) (514,362) Excess Revelilles over (untier) Expendit tires 192,898 24,890 (110,606) .(376,747) 960,389 985�268 974,662 577.516 262,658 (57,040) (414,498) (791,245) (1,260.2 10) (1,751,538) (2,265,900) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100,000 Assigned - Technology/FFE 14,838 K938 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,833 14,838 14,838 Assigned _ Uni form/Equipment Replacen, 759,824 462,678 147,820 (171,878) (529,336) (906,083) (1,375,048) (1,866,376) (2,380,738) ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 870,430 365) 70 67 57 33 10 (11) (34) (57) (86) (113) (140) # of Operating Days (based on Students Enrolled 280 322 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Primary 238 255 277 277 277 277 275 275 255 255 255 Secondary 518.0 577.2 577.2 577.2 577.2 577.2 575.0 575.0 555.2 555.2 555.2 Total Students Enrolled Teaching Stifl' 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 2) 3 �2 23.2 23,2 23.2 23.2 23.2 Prianiry 22.1 22.1 2 3.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 22.1 22.1 22.1 Secondary 45.3 45.3 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 - 47.2 47.2 45.31 45.3 45.3 Total Tenel'i'11,1 Staff 7 0 eMent -- Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GENERAL FUND BEG. BALANCE $ 767,490 $ 960,388 $ 863,848 $ 961,611 $ 696,142 $ 516,908 $ 336,904 142,879 $ (65,596) $ (288,924) $ (527,592) REVENUES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 66,804 69,809 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local Revenue 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 484,800 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499 200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 Interest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3.582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,229 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69.820 Transportation/Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,804 22,520 Total Local Revenues 686,151 638,010 659,490 663,733 668,103 673,170 678.389 683,765 689,301 695,005 700,879 State Revenue TEA - FSP Funds 3,748,836 4,138,253 4,261,171 4,389,006 4,520,677 4,656,297 4,795,986 4,939,865 5.098,061 5,240,703 5,397,924 TRS On-behalMledicare Part 13 195,795 216,134 222,553 229,230 236,107 243,190 250,486 258,000 265,740 273,713 281,924 Total State Revenues 3,944,631 4,354,386 4,483,725 4,618,236 4,756,783 4,899,487 5,046,471 5,197.866 5,353,802 5,514,416 5,679,848 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 4,992,397 51143,214 5,281,969 5,424,886 5.572,657 5,724,860 SM1,630 6,043, 101 6,209,420 6.380,727 EXPENDITURES ObJ ect Cod e 6 1 X X - Sa la rics 3,253,604 3,432,655 3,515,656 3,769.734 3,877,070 3987,625 4,101,498 4,218,786 4,339,593 4,464,024 4,592,189 Object Code 62XX - Prol. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 680.827 701,252 722,289 743.959 766,277 789,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Transfer from Town - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,659 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 224,299 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - Other 01)01atiag Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386,868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debi Service 93,000 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - 133,000 - - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 5,209,097 5,132,611 5,434,598 5,591,279 5,752,661 5,918,885 61090,095 6,266,441 6,448,078 6,635,164 OTHER RESOURCES/USES Other Resources 7.000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - - - Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - 133,000 - - - TriaSlcrS Out (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19.940) (19,940) Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 192,898 (96,540) (2,237) (165,469) (179,233) (180,005) (194,024) (208,465) (223.338) (238,658) (254,437) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 960,388 863,848 861,611 696,142 516,908 336,904 142,979 (65,586) (288,924) (527,582) (782,019) Assigned -'rechnology/FFE 100.000 100.000 100,000 100.000 100.000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Assigned _ Uniform /Equipment Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14.838 14,838 14,838 ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 749,010 746,773 581,304 402,070 222,066 28,041 (180,424) (403,762) (642,420) (896,857) # or Operating Days (based on 365) 70 52 53 39 26 14 2 (1 1) (24) (36) (49) Students Enrolled 280 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 Primary 239 330 348 348 348 349 349 348 348 348 348 Secondary 606.0 624.0 62.4.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624,0 624.0 624.0 624.0 Total Stodeats Enrolled 518.0 Teaching Staff 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 Prianiry 22.1 27,0 28.6 23.6 28.6 28.6 28,6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 Secondary 45.3 50.3 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 519 51-9 5119 5119 Total,reaciking Stair 0 TwqtPr vf qpcli�,*)vs te:,cIters in seconclarv. no increase in support personnel Table t+- S C e t, �, t 7 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Fiscal Year GENERAL FUND DEG. BALANCE $ 767,490 $ 960,388 1,319,019 1,786.327 2.083,020 2,378.402 $ 2,685,840 $ 2,992,471 $ 3,298,270 S 3,603,212 $ 3,907,272 RCV01 1UES local Retinues 64,858 66,804 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 52,160 84,625 87,164 WAF Salary Reimbursement 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,75S 15,201 15,657 16,127 Other Local Revenue 520,000 530,400 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 WAF Blacksmith 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1.688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,010 Interest Earned 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3,900 3.914 4,032 Food Services 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,396 65,80 67,787 69.820 Athletic Activities 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 Transportation/Parking 686,151 683,610 706,530 710,773 715,143 720,210 725,429 730,805 736,341 742,045 747,919 Total Local ReAvimes State RcAs wore 3,748,836 4,527,494 4,662,705 4,802,586 4,946,6;(3 5,095,063 5,247,915 5,405,353 5,567,513 5,734,539 5,906,575 TEA - FSP Foods 195,795 236,463 243,525 250.830 258.355 266.106 274,089 282,312 290,781 299,505 308.490 TRS On-behillYlvic(licarc Pail B 4,763,957 4,906,229 5,051,416 5,205.019 5,361,169 5,522,004 5,697,665 5,858,294 6,034,043 6,215,065 Total State Rewmies 3,944,631 5,447,568 5,612,799 5,764,189 51920,161 6,081,379 6,247,433 6A13,469 6,594,636 6,776,088 6,962,933 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 m,ENDrrLazEs 3,253,604 3,432,655 3 515,656 3,789,792 3,897,729 4,008,905 4,123,415 4,241,361 4,362.846 4,487.975 4,616,857 Object Code 61 XX - Salaries (41,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722,289 743,958 766,277 789,265 812.943 837,331 862,451 Object Code 62XX - Pror. Contracted Services 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435.590 448,658 Indirect Costs -Transler fromTown - 343.859 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 63XX - SUPPliCS &' Materials 224,299 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386,868 398,474 410,428 Ob i cc( Code 64XX - 0(her0licrating Costs 305.397 314,559 323,996 333,716 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Object Code 65XX - Debt Scry ice - 93,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Object Code 66XX -Capital Assets - 133,000 - - - 5,611,939 5,773,941 5,940,8 02 6,112,676 6,289,694 6,472,023 6,659,332 PNDiTURES TOTAL ocE 4,425,044 5,209,097 5,132,611 5,494,656 OTHER RES OURCES/US ES - - 7,000 7,000 7.000 7,000 7,000 - - Other RCSOUrccs Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - 133,000 - - - Transfers Out (19,940) (19,840) (19,840) (19,940) (19,840) 307,438 - 306,631 - 305.799 304,942 304,060 303,151 Excess Rewimes Owr (Under) Expenditures 192,998 358,631 467,308 296,693 295,382 960,388 1,319.019 1,786,327 2,083,020 2,378.402 2,685,940 2,992,471 3,299,270 3,603,212 3,907.272 4,210,423 GENERAL MIND ENDING BALANCE 100 ,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Assigned -Tcchnology/FFE 100,000 100,000 14.839 14,838 14.9M 14,838 14,838 14,838 1038 Assigned UnillornVEqUipmcnt Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 3,181,432 3,488,374 3,792,434 4,095,585 845,550 1,204,191 1,671,489 1.968,182 2,263,564 2,571,002 2,877,633 ENDING FUND BALANCE 70 84 119 132 147 163 177 190 202 214 224 A orOperating, Days (bwied.on 365) Students Enrolled 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Primary 280 300 300 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 Secondary 238 363 383 682.8 682.8 682.8 682.3 682.3 682.8 682.3 519.0 663.0 682.8 682.8 Total Studefits Enrolled Teaching Staff 23.2 21 2 23.2 23.2 23 .2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 Prianny 23.2 23.2 2 8. 6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28,6 28.6 2S.6 23.6 Secondary 22,1 27.0 5119 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 Total Teaching Stall, 45.3 50.3 Table t+- S C e t, �, t 7 ,,,I b If" �5 - -Sce.v I a r lu -, Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/19 2019/19 2019/20 2020/21 GENERAL FUND BEG. 13ALANCE $ 767,490 960,388 437,178 $ (221,519) (1,061,959) (1,935,230) (2,828,911) S (3,773,953) $ (4,754,735) $ (5.921.479) (6,927.386) REVENUES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,958 66,804 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 94,625 87,164 011icr Local Revenue 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,759 15201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 422.400 422,400 422,400 422,400 422,400 420,800 420,11 1100 406,400 406,400 406,400 Interest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,193 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3.800 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69,820 Transportation/Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 ZI,RG4 22,522, 575,610 582,690 586,933 591,303 596,370 599,989 605,365 596,501 602,205 608,079 Total Local Revenues 686,151 State Revenue 3,748,836 3,459,104 3,458,104 3,561,847 3,668,703 3,778,764 3,877,384 3.993,705 3,972,750 4,091,932 4,214.690 TEA - FSP Funds TRS On-be half/Medicare Part B 195,795 180,611 180,611 186,029 191,610 197,358 202,509 208,584 207,490 213,714 220,126 3,944,631 3,639,715 3,638,715 3,747,876 3,86M 13 3,976, 122 4,079,993 4,202290 4,180,240 4,305,647 4,434.916 Total State Revenues 4,214,325 4,221,405 4,334,809 4,451,615 4,572,492 079,182 4,807,654 4,716,141 4.901,851 5,042,895 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 EXPENDITURES Object Code 61 XX - Salaries 3,253,604 3,174,254 3270,306 3,517,545 3,617,837 3,721,137 3,827,536 3,937,128 3,936,637 4.049,705 4.166,166 Object Code 62XX - Prof. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 680.827 701,252 722289 743,958 766,277 789,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Transfer From Town 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - Supplies &, Materials 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,060 375.600 386,868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - - - Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - 4,425,044 4,724,696 - 4,867,261 5,162,409 5,312,046 5,466,173 5,624,923 5,783,436 _5.143,485 6,013,759 TOTAL EXPENDITURES OTHER RESOURCES/USES Other Resources 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - - Transfers OLII (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (840,440) (19.840) (873,271) (893,691) (945,042) (980,782) 1,066,744) (1,146.246) Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 192,898 (523,210) (658,696) ..(1,105,907) 960,388 437.178 (221.519) (1.061,959) (1,935,230) (2,828,911) (3,7 73,953) (4,754,735) (5,821.479) (6.927,386) (8,073,632) G 0, N ERA 1, FUND ENDING BALANCE 100,000 100.000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Assigned - Tcchnology/FFE 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,839 14,838 14,838 14,838 Assigned Utiiforiii/EquipmetitRcl)lacctileiiI (1,176,797) (2,050,068) (2,943,749) (3,888,791) (4,869,573) (5,936,3 17) (7,042224) (8,188,470) ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 322,340 (336,357) 70 25 (25) (83) (141) (197) (252) (307) (371) (427) (483) # of Operating Days (based on 365) Students Enrolled 280 296 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 Primary 238 232 252 252 252 252 250 250 232 232 232 Secondary 518.0 528.0 52810 528.0 528.0 528.0 526.0 526.0 508.0 5010.0 508.0 Total Students Enrolled Teaching Staff 23.2 23,2 23.2 23,2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 212 23.2 23.2 Primary 22.1 22.1 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23,9 22.1 22.1 22.1 Secondary 45.3 45.3 47.2 47.2 47,2 47.2 47.2 47.2 413 45.3 45.3 Total Teaching Staff ,,,I b If" �5 - -Sce.v I a r lu -, Table E; - Scenario 6 oporneis m Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020121 GENERAL FUND BEG. 13ALANCE 767,490 $ 960,389 915,600 $ 535,325 $ 63,421 $ (431,438) $ (936,536) $ (1,494,230) $ (2,056,919) (2,720,755) (3,412,800) REVENUES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 66,804 68,908 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 32,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local Revenue 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520.000 461,760 461.760 461,760 461,760 461,760 460,000 460,000 444,160 444,160 444,160 Imerest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1.688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,479 3,582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51.953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69,820 Transportation/Parking 32,840 15.900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 Total Local Revenues 686,151 614,970 622,050 626,293 630,663 635,730 639,189 644,565 634,261 639,965 645,839 State Revenue TEA - FSP Funds 3,749,836 3,780,337 3,780,337 3,893,747 4,010,559 4,130,876 4,239,585 4,365,743 4,341,872 4,472,128 4,606,292 TRS On-behalr/Mcclicare Part B 195,795 197,440 197,440 203,363 209,464 215,748 221,374 228,015 226,768 2334571 240,578 Total State Revenues 3,944,631 3,977,777 3,977,777 4,097,110 4,220,024 4,346,624 4,459959 4,593,758 4,568,640 4,105,699 4,846,170 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 4,592,747 4,599.827 4,723,403 4,850,686 4,982,354 5,099,148 5,238,322 5,202,901 5,345,663 5,492,709 EXPENDITURES Object Code 61 XX - Salaries 3,253,604 3.174.254 3,270,306 3,537.603 3,638,490 3,742.416 3,849,454 3,959,703 3,959,889 4.073.655 4,190,834 Object Code 62XX - Prol. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 080,827 701,252 722,299 743,958 766,277 789,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Transfer from Town - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,596 422,903 435,590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - SLII)I)IiCS & TVII(CrialS 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323.996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386,868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - - - - Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - TO,rAl, EXPENDITURES 4,425.044 4,724,696 4,867,261 5,182,467 5,332,706 5,487,452 5,646,341 5,311,012 - 5,366,737 6,037,709 6,213,809 OTHER RESOURCES/USES Other Resources 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - - - Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - - - - Trans1'ers Out 19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 192,899 (144,788) (280,274) (471,904) (494,860) (505,099) (547,693) (572,689) (663,836) (692,045) (721,101) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 960,388 815,600 535,325 63,421 (431,438) (936,536) (1,484,230) (2,056,919) (2,720,755) (3,412,800) (4,133901) Assigned - Technology/FFE 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Assigned Uniform /Equipment Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,338 14.838 _ ENDING FUND BALANCE 945,550 700,762 420,497 (51.417) (546,276) (1.051.374) (1,599,0(18) (2,171,757) (2,835,593) (3.527,639) (4,248,739) 9 ol'Operating Days (based on 365) 70 54 32 (4) (37) "(70), (103) (136) (2,13) (250) Students Enrolled 280 322 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Primary 238 255 277 277 277 277 275 275 255 255 255 Secondary 577.2 577.2 577.2 577.2 577.2 575.0 575.0 555.2 555.2 555.2 Total Students Enrolled 518.0 'reacitiog staff 23.2 233 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 233 2 23.2 212 23.2 Priatory 22.1 22.1 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 22.1 22.1 22.1 Secondary 45.3 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 45,3 45.3 45.3 Tntnl Tvaehinf, Staff 45.3 Table E; - Scenario 6 7 - I tO/. [:'qP rpitn-ttui. isttae-tv�--tt "O�r-tion B". increase number of sections in secondary and teachers, no increase in support personnel 10 Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019120 2020/21 REVENUES Local Reveowes WAF Salary ReimbUrsement 64,858 66,804 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local ReVC11LIC 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,91 1 14,329 14,758 15.201 15.657 16J27 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 484,800 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499.200 499,200 499,200 Interest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3.690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,996 65,813 67,787 69,820 Transportation/Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 19,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 Total Local ftevellues 686,151 638,010 659,490 663,733 668J03 673,170 678,389 683,765 689,301 695,005 700,879 State Reventic TEA - FSP FLInds 3.748.836 3,968,961 4,086,851 4,209,456 4,335,740 4,465,812 4,599,786 4,737,780 4,879,913 5,026,311 5,177,100 TRS On-lachalf/Medicare Part 13 195,795 207,292 213,449 219,852 226,448 233,241 240,239 247,446 254,869 262,515 270,391 Total State Revenues 3,944,631 4,176,252 4,300,299 4,429,308 4,562,188 4,699,053 4,940,025 4,985,226 5,134,782 5,289,826 5,447,491 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 4,814,263 4,959,789 5,093,041 5,230,290 5X2,223 5,518,414 508,990 5M41084 5,983,830 6,148,369 EXPENDITURFS Object Code 6 1 XX - Salaries 3,253,604 3,432,655 3,515,656 3,769,734 3,877,070 3,987,625 4,101,498 4,218,786 4,339,593 4,464,024 4,592,189 Object Code 62XX - Prof. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722,289 74t3,958 766,277 789,265 812.943 837,331 962,451 Indirect Costs - Transfer from Town - 343,859 354,175 364,900 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,596 422,903 435.590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - SLlPJ)liCS 1% Materials 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284.134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386.868 399.474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debt Set-vice - 93,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 5,132,611 5,752,661 5,918,885 6,090,005 6,266,441 6,448,078 6,635,1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 5,209,097 ....5,434598 .5,591,279 Other Resources (185,662) (354,397) (373,829) (380.438) (400.471) (421,105) (442,357) (464,248) (486,795) Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures._ 192,899 (274,674) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 960,388 685,714 500.052 145,655 (228,174) (608,613) (1.009,084) (1,430,188) (1,872,546) (2,336,793) (2,823,588) Assigned -'rechnology/FFE 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 Assigned Unillorm/Equipment Replacemeni 14,838 14938 14,839 14,838 14.838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14.838 14,838 _ 570,876 395,214 30,817 (343,012) (723,451) (1,123,922) (1,545,026) (1.987,394) (2,451,631) (2,938,426) ENDING FUND 13ALANCE 845,550 Students Enrolled 280 276 276 276 276 276 2 7 6 276 276 276 276 Primary 238 330 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 349 348 Secondary Ell"011ed 518.0 606.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 - Total Students Teaching Staff Secondary 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 10 11 Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GU,IERAL FUND BEG. BALANCE S 767,490 960,388 1,124,130 1,390,728 1,480,690 1,563,140 1.651,259 1,731,989 $ 1,905,111 S 1.870,395 $ 1,927,608 Local Re%eoues WAF Salary Reimbursemcm 64,858 66,804 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79.767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local RCvCoUC 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 530,400 546,240 546240 546,240 546,240 546.240 546,240 546240 546,240 546,240 III Eirned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,689 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Alliletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56.770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 05,813 67,787 69,820 Transportation/Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,960 19,426 20,009 20,009 21,227 21,864 22,520 Total Local Revenues 686,151 683,610 MUM 710,773 715,143 720,210 725,429 730,805 736,341 742,04S 747,919 State Reveoue TEA - FSP Funds 3,748,836 4,342,279 4,471,958 4,606,116 4,744,300 4,886,629 5,033,228 5,194,225 5,339,751 5,499,944 5,664,942 TRS On-Inhilf/Mcdicarc Part B 195,795 226,789 233,562 240,569 247,786 255,220 262X6 270,763 278,886 287,252 295,870 Total State Revenues 3,944,631 4,569,068 4,705,520 4,846,686 4,992,086 5,141,849 5,296 104 5,454.987 5,618,637 5,787,196 5,960,812 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 55,252,679 5,412,050 5,557,458 5,707,229 5,862,059 6,021,533 6,185,792 6,354,978 6,529,241 6,708,731 Object Code 61XX - Salaries 3,253,604 3,432,655 3,515.656 3,789.792 3,897,729 4,008,905 4,123,415 4.241,361 4,362,846 4,487,975 4,616,857 Object Code 62XX - Prol. Contracted Services (Al,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722289 743,958 766277 789.265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Transler 11I - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - Supplics &, Materials 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284.134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - OthcrOpernting Costs 305.397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375.600 386,868 398.474 4 1 OA2S Object Code 65XX - Deb( Service - 93,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 M000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20.000 'TOTAL CXPENDITUTIES 4,425,044 5,209,097 5,132,611 5,454,656 5,611,939 5,773,941 5,940,802 6,112,670 6,289,694 0,472,028 6,659,832 OTHER RESOURCES/USES Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - 133.000 - - - Excess Rew-noes Owr (Un(ler) Eqxmditures 192,898 163,742 266,598 89,962 82,450 88,118 80,731 73J22 65,285 57,212 48,898 G13'4ERAL WND B'qD#NG BALANCE 960,388 1,124,130 1,390,728 1,480,690 1,563,140 1,651,258 1,731,989 1,805,111 1,870,395 1,927,608 1,976,506 Assigned -Tcchnology/FFE 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 100,000 100.000 Assigned - Unifortri/Equipment Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 MD[NG FUND BALANCE 845,550 1,009,292 1,275,890 1,365,852 1,448,302 1,536,420 1,617,151 1,690,273 1,755,557 1,812,770 1,S61,668 M ol'Operating Msys (Irased on 365) 70 71 91 91 94 97 99 101 102 102 102 StmPents, Enrolled primar-Y Secondar-y 280 238 300 363 300 383 300 383 300 383 300 383 300 383 300 383 300 383 300 383 300 383 Total Students Eurolled 518.11) 663.0 682.8 682.8 682.8 682.8 682.3 682.8 682.8 682.3 632.8 Tenchiog Staff Total Teaching SII 45.3 50.3 51.9 5119 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 5119 51.9 51.9 11 12 Income, Statement Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GENFRAL FUND BEG. BALANCE $ 767,490 $ 960,388 S 281,972 $ (531,931) $ (1,532,233) S (2,570,1 GI) $ (3,633,440) $ (4,752,506) $ (5,912,533) S (7,157,580) $ (8,447,141) REVENUES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 66,804 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local Revenue 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15.657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 422,400 422,400 422,400 422,400 422,400 420,800 420,800 406,400 406,400 406,400 Interest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58, 474 60 ,228 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69,820 Transportation /Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 Total Local Revenues 686,151 575,610 582,690 586,933 591,303 596,370 599,989 605,365 596,501 602,205 608,079 State Revenue TEA - FSP Funds 3,748,836 3,310,602 3.310,602 3,409,920 3,512,218 3,617,584 3,711,998 3,823,358 3,803,2961 3,917,395 4,034,917 TRS On- behalf /Medicare Part B 195,795 172,907 172,907 178,094 183,437 188,940 193,871 199,687 198,639 204,599 210,736 Total State Revenues 3,944,631 3,483,509 3,483,509 3,588,014 3,695,655 3,806,524 3,905,869 4,023,045 4.001,935 4,121,994 4245,6153 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 4,059,119 4,066,199 4,174,947 4,286,957 4,402,894 4,50.4,858 4,628,410 4,598,437 4,724,198 4,853,732 EXPENDITURES Object Code 61XX- Salaries 3,253,604 3,174254 3,270,306 3,517,545 3,617,837 3,721,137 3,827,536 3.937,128 3,936,637 4,049,705 4,166,166 Object Code 62XX - Prot. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722,289 743,958 766,277 789,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Translbr from Town - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435.590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 224,298 231,027 237,958 245, 097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 284,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386.868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - - - Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 4,724,6961 4,867,261 5,162,409 5,312,046 5,466,173 5,624,923 5,788,436 5,843,485 6,013,759 6,189,141 OTI-IER RESOURCES /USES Other Resources 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - - - - - Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - - - - - Transfers Out (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 192,898 (678,416) (813,902) (1,000,302) (1,037,929) (1,063,279) (1,119,066) (1,160,027) (1,145,048) (1 .289,561) (1,335,409) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 960,388 281,972 (531,931) (1,532,233) (2,570,161) (3,633,440) (4,752,506) (5,912,533) (7,157,580) (8,447.141) (9,782,550) Assigned - Technology /FFE 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 IWOW 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Assigned _ Uniform /Equipmem Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14.838 14,838 ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 167,134 (646,769) (1,647,071) (2,684,999) (3,748,278) (4,867,344) (6,027,371) (7,272,418) (8,561.979) (9,897,388) 8 ol'Operating Days (based on 365) 70 13 (49) (116) (184) (250) (316) (380) (454) (520) (584) Students Enrolled Primary 280 296 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 Secondary 238 232 252 252 252 252 250 250 232 232 232 Total Students Enrolled 518.0 528.0 528.0 528.0 528.0 528.0 526.0 5261.0 508.0 508.0 508.0 Teaching Staff Primmry 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 232 23.2 Secondary 22.1 22.1 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 239 23.9 22.1 22.1 22.1 Total Teaching ,Staff 45.3 45.3 47,2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 45.3 45.3 453 12 Table 10 -'Scenario 3.0 13 Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013114 2014/15 2015/16 2016117 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GENERAL FUND BEG. BALANCE 767,490 960,388 $ 645,931 R 195,989 (450,673) (1,125,534) (1,816,033) (2,553,962) (3,322,593) (4,181,300) (5,074,062) REVENUES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 66,804 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Wier Local Revenue 12,000 12,360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 461,760 461,760 461,760 461,760 461,760 460,000 460,000 444,160 444,160 444,160 Interest Earned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63.896 65,813 67,787 69.820 Transportation /Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21.864 22,520 Total Local Revenues 686,151 614,970 622,050 626,293 630,663 635,730 639,189 644,565 634,261 09,965 645,839 State Revelloc TEA - FSP Funds 3,749.836 3,619,090 3,619,090 3,727,663 3,839,493 3,954,678 4,057,792 4,179,526 4,156,673 4,281,373 4,409,815 TRS On-behalMedicare Part 13 195,795 189,019 189,019 194,689 200,530 206,546 211,931 219,289 217,096 223,609 230,317 Total State Revenues 3,944,631 3,809,109 3,808,109 3,922,352 4,040,023 4,161,223 4,269,724 4,397,915 4,373,769 4,504,982 4,640,131 TOTAL REVENUES 4,630,782 4,423,079 4,430,158 4,548,645 4,670,685 4,796,953 4,908,913 5,042,330 5,008.030 5,144,946 5,285,970 EXPENDITURES Object Code 61 XX - Salaries 3,253,604 3,174,254 3,270,306 3,537,603 3,638,496 3,742,416 3,849,454 3.959,703 3.959,889 4,073,655 4,190,834 Object Code 62XX - Prof. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722,289 743,959 766,277 789,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Transfer from Town - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 224,299 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275.858 284,134 292,658 301.438 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs 305,397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386,868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - - - Object Code 60XX - Capital Assets - - 4,867,261 5,182,467 5,332,706 5,487,452 5,646,841 5,811,012. 7,_ 5.866.737 6;039,709 6,213,1S0N TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 4,724,696 oTIIER. RESOURCES/USES Other Resources 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - - - - Transfers Out (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) Excess ReN,ellocs Over (Under) Expenditures_ 192,899 (314,457) (449,943) (646,662) (674,861) (690,499) (737,929) (768,632) (858,707) (892,762) (927,839) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 960,388 645,931 195,999 (450,673) (1,125,534) (1,816,033) (2,553,962) (3.322,593) (4,181,300) (5,074,062) (6,001,902) Assigncd - Tcchnology/FFE 100,000 100,000 100,00() 100,()00 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 t00,000 Assigned Uniform /Equipment RCPh'lCCMClll 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,938 14,838 ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 531,093 81,151 (565,511) (1,240,372) (1,930,871) (2,668,800) (3,437,431) (4,296,139) (3,198,900) (6,116,740) 70 41 6 (85) (128) (173) (216) (267) (314) (359) # of'Operating Days (based on 365) -(40) Students Enrolled 280 322 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Primary 238 255 277 277 277 277. 275 275 255 255 255 Secondary 518.0 577.2 577.2 577.2 577.2 577.2 575.0 575.0 555.2 555.2 555.2 Total Students Enrolled Teaching Staff 23.2 23.2 23,2 23.2 2) 3.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 Prianiry 22.1 22.1 23.9 23.9 23.9 23,9 23.9 23.9 22.1 22.1 22.1 Secondary 45.3 45.3 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 45.3 453 453 Table 10 -'Scenario 3.0 13 IncomeStatement Fiscal Year 2010/1 1 2011/12 2012/13 2013114 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/0 2019/20 2020/21 REVENUES Local Revennes 64,858 66,804 68,809 70,872 72,998 75,198 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87.164 WAF Saliry lZcimbLIr8CnI0III 12,000 12,360 12.731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 Other Local Revenue 520,000 484,800 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499,200 499.200 499,200 499,200 499,200 WAF Blac"milh 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 1,739 1,791 1,845 1,900 1,957 2,016 Interest Earned 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3,690 3,800 3,914 4,032 Food Services 51953 53,512 55,117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 65,813 67,787 69,820 Athletic Aciivities Transportation/Parking 32,840 15,900 19,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21,864 22,520 Total Loc;d Revenues 696,15 1 639,010 659,490 663,733 668,103 673,170 679,389 683,765 689,301 695,005 700,879 State Revelille 3,748,836 3,799,669 3,912,530 4,029,906 4,150,803 4,275,327 4,403,597 4,535,695 4,671,765 4,811.918 4,956,276 TEA - FSP Funds TRS On-behalf/Medicare Part B 195,795 M;,450 204,344 210,475 216,789 223,293 229,991 236,89 1 243.998 251,318 258,857 Tow st.,te Revellues 3,944,631 3,998,118 4,116,874 4,240,381 4,367,592 4,498,620 4,633,578 4,772,586 4,915,763 5,063,236 5,215,133 TOTAL RMNUES 4,630,782 4,636,129 4,776,364 4,904,113 5,035,695 5,171,790 5,311,967 5,456,350 5,605,065 5,758,241 5,916,012 EXPENDITURES 3,253,604 3,432,655 3,515,656 3,769.734 3,877,070 3,987,625 4,101A98 4.218,786 4,339.593 4.404.024 4,592.189 Ob ect Code 61XX - Salaries . i 641,745 660,997 680,827 701,252 722,289 743,958 766,277 789,265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Ob j ect Code 62XX - Prof. C0111MCLed Services 'rrarisfer 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,658 Indirect costs - front Town - 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252,449 260,023 267,824 275,858 294,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 305,397 314.559 32M96 333,716 343,727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386.868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 64XX - Other Operating Costs Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - 93,000 20.000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,425,044 5,209,097 5,132,611 5,434,598 5,591,279 5,752,661 51918,885 6()90,095 6,266,44.1 6,44.4,078 6,635,164 OTHER RESOURCES/USES Other Resources 7,000 7,000 7,000 7.000 7,000 Other RC.9001-CeS (Portable Buildings) - 133,000 - - 960,389 507,580 138,493 (404,832) (973.257) (1,554,129) (2,161,046) (2,794,791) (3,456,167) (4,146,005) (4,865,157) GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 100,000 100,00() 100,000 100,00() 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 100.000 100.000 Assiped - Technology/FFE 100,000 Uniform/Equipment Replaccille"t 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,839 14,838 14,838 14938 14,838 14,838 14,838 Assigned - Students Enrolled 2) 76 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 Primary 280 276 238 330 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 348 Secondary 518.0 606.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 624.0 Total Stmiclits Teaching Staff 2) 3.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23,2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 Prianiry 23.2 23.2 Secondary 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 `aaeu- ^x m Scenario 12 - 15% FSP reduction, implement "Option 13", increase number of sections and teachers in secondary, no increase in support personnel laI'- ble 12 - Scerlw)rio 12 15 rri or $i ate m rat Fiscal Year 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 GFNMAL FUND BEG. BALANCE $ 767,490 $ 900,388 929,241 995,130 $ 878,361 747,879 $ 616,676 $ 471.506 311,951 $ 137,578 $ (52,057) REV 0*4 LJES Local Revenues WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,958 66,8()4 68,808 70,872 72,998 75,188 77,444 79,767 82,160 84,625 87,164 Other Local RevCULIC 12,000 12.360 12,731 13,113 13,506 13,911 14,329 14,758 15,201 15,657 16,127 WAF Blacksmith 520,000 530,400 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546,240 546.240 546,240 546,240 Interest Nirned 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,698 1,739 1,791 1,845 1 1900 1,957 2,016 Food Services 3,000 3,090 3,183 3,278 3,377 3,478 3,582 3.690 3,500 3,914 4,032 Athletic Activities 51,953 53,512 55.117 56,770 58,474 60,228 62,035 63,896 65.813 67,787 69,820 Transportation /Parking 32,840 15,900 18,860 18,860 18,860 19,426 20,009 20,609 21,227 21.8(A 22,520 Total Local Revenues 686,151 693,610 706,530 710,773 715,143 720,210 725,429 730.905 736,341 742,045 747,919 State ReNenue TEA - FSP FUadS 3,748,836 4.157,063 4.281,211 4,409,647 4,541,936 4,678,194 4.818,540 4,963,0% 5,111989 5,265.349 5,423,310 TRS On-lbehall7lvIedicarc Part B 195,795 217,116 223,600 230,308 237,217 2,14,334 251,664 259,214 266,990 275,000 283,250 Total State Revenues 3944,631 4,374,179 4,504,811 4,639955 4,779,154 4,922,528 5,070,204 5,222,310 5,378,979 5.540,349 5,706,559 TOTAL RLVENUIN 4,630,782 5,057,789 5,211,340 5,350,727 5,494,296 5,642,738 5,795,633 5,953,115 6,115,321 6,282.393 6,454,478 VCPENDRTURES Object Code 61XX - Salaries 3,253,604 1432,655 3,515,656 3,789,792 3,897.729 4,009,905 4,123,415 4,241.361 4,362,846 4.487,975 4,616.857 Object Code 62XX - Prof. Contracted Services 641,745 660,997 080,827 701.252 722.289 743,958 766,277 789.265 812,943 837,331 862,451 Indirect Costs - Translbr fironiTown - 343,859 354,175 364,800 375,744 387,016 398,627 410,586 422,903 435,590 448,658 Object Code 63XX - Supplies & Materials 224,298 231,027 237,958 245,097 252.449 260,023 267,824 275,858 254,134 292,658 301,438 Object Code (AXX - OthcrOperating Costs 305.397 314,559 323,996 333,716 343.727 354,039 364,660 375,600 386,868 398,474 410,428 Object Code 65XX - Debt Service - 93,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 MOM 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Object Code 66XX - Capital Assets - 133,000 - - TOTAL EXPLNDITMES 4,425,044 5,209,097 5,132,611 5,454,656 5,611,939 5,773.941 5,940,802 6,112,670 6,289.694 6,472.023 6,659,8312 OTHER RESOURCES /USES Other Resources 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 - - - - Other Resources (Portable Buildings) - 133,000 - - - Transfiers Out (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) (19,840) - F-veess Reventies Over (Under) Evpvndittures 192,898 (31,147) 65,889 (116368) (130,483) (131.203) (145.170) (159,555) 174373) (189.635) (205,355) GENE IIAL FUND ENDING BALANCE 960,388 929,241 995,130 878,361 747,879 616,676 471,506 311,951 137,578 (52,057) (257.411) Assigned - Technology/FFE 100.000 100,000 100,000 100,0()0 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 Assigned _ Unil'ornVEquipment Replacement 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 14,838 814,403 880,292 763,523 633,041 501,838 356,669 197,113 22,740 (166.895) (372,249) ENDING FUND BALANCE 845,550 # ol'Operating Days (based on 365) 70 57 63 51 41 32 22 12 1 (9) (20) Students Enrollcd 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Primary 280 238 363 383 383 383 383 383 383 3 83 383 383 Secondary 663.0 682,8 682.8 682.8 682.8 682.8 682.3 682.8 682.8 632.8 Total Students Enrolled 518.0 Teaching StnIT 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 prianiry 22.1 27.0 28,6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 25.6 28.6 29.6 28,6 Secondary 45.3 50.3 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 31.2 51.9 51.9 51.0 Total Teaching Staff laI'- ble 12 - Scerlw)rio 12 15 in Program Expenditures Reductions During the FY201U/11 budget process a list of programs and their associated cost was prepared and presented to the Board. This list of programs provides an explanation of the existing programs within the Academy and ranked them in order ofimportance. Reduction in program services can be realized in the Primary and Secondary Program but due to the size of the Academy, reduction in services requires either cancellation or complete reorganization. The specials identified with an asterisk could be integrated into the general classroom but it would reduce the teachers planning time during the instructional day and would have to take place before or after school. PYP Py-ogrit.-m-ne When ranking the programs during the preparation of the current 2010-11 WA budget, the "specials" (Spanish, music, art, library, and strings, shown in the chart below denoted with an asterisk) were identified as the main possible cost reductions in the PYPProgramme. Total annual cost for Spanish, music, art, library, and strings inPYPis $234,882. The specials curriculum for music, art, library, and strings is not required by the State. The |8requires music and art asa part of the PYP curriculum, however, it can be taught in the classroom by generalist PYP(ie.non- specialized) teachers. In addition, teacher's aides, administration (Principa[PYPCoordinator, and Administrative Staff) could be considered for reductions inspending. The |B requires aPYP Programme to offer a second language from age seven (second grade) which, if WA did that, would allow us to reduce staffing costs by one part-time teaching position. Deducting for the current annual cost of the PYP Spanish program, the annual cost of the remaining specials (music,art, and library) b$16S,619. |f the music, art, and library specials were taught by our PYP teachers they would lose multiple planning period and other important collaborative time, something the IB would possibly call to our attention asa concern during an assessment visit. General Instruction PE Supplies & Operations Adnninistration ����������----------- Support -__ *Spanish *Music */*t ~Library ----`—`--------'— ~Strings W 4" P'rc-tgrarn- e Unlike the PYP Program the MYP Program would have to consider reducing expenditures in support services, administration, and supplies and operations. There is little room for reduction in the instructional expenditures, but saving could be realized by increasing the teaching load and reducing the number of planning periods. 16 2,018,662 48.82% W 4" P'rc-tgrarn- e Unlike the PYP Program the MYP Program would have to consider reducing expenditures in support services, administration, and supplies and operations. There is little room for reduction in the instructional expenditures, but saving could be realized by increasing the teaching load and reducing the number of planning periods. 16 '~~E �° =`~"^���xpnsv� ��������� The DP Program is similar to the IVIYP Program with many of the teachers providing instructional services in both the K4YP and DPPrograms. There could be reductions in the number of courses being offered, limiting the student's choices Uo the five required courses and providing only one or two options, such as art, chemistry, economics and environmental systems. z - z _ z 9 Humanities 111forl-nation Technology Language Arts Math SUPplies & Operations A dministrauon Support Services ------' Library Art Av Information La. Ails' Supplies & Operations" Support ServicesIf '~~E �° =`~"^���xpnsv� ��������� The DP Program is similar to the IVIYP Program with many of the teachers providing instructional services in both the K4YP and DPPrograms. There could be reductions in the number of courses being offered, limiting the student's choices Uo the five required courses and providing only one or two options, such as art, chemistry, economics and environmental systems. z - z _ z 9 Humanities 111forl-nation Technology Language Arts Math SUPplies & Operations A dministrauon Support Services ------' Library Art 601 13�44% zS DP Prog, ammam�inp 1,22-3,1401 29.58% T u�t^ °=° ~_ ~ . '~~E �° =`~"^���xpnsv� ��������� The DP Program is similar to the IVIYP Program with many of the teachers providing instructional services in both the K4YP and DPPrograms. There could be reductions in the number of courses being offered, limiting the student's choices Uo the five required courses and providing only one or two options, such as art, chemistry, economics and environmental systems. z - z _ z 9 Humanities 111forl-nation Technology Language Arts Math SUPplies & Operations A dministrauon Support Services ------' Library Art S-f-tecial Ftfiu:�1������g��K� As a public school, the Academy must offer special education services to all Students who require them. The Academy receives special revenues funding from the federal government to help reimburse the cost of providing the extra services, but spending reductions are not likely. 17 601 13�44% zS DP Prog, ammam�inp S-f-tecial Ftfiu:�1������g��K� As a public school, the Academy must offer special education services to all Students who require them. The Academy receives special revenues funding from the federal government to help reimburse the cost of providing the extra services, but spending reductions are not likely. 17 z eech Therapy Inclusion "(Mainstream/Social -SRjjj The IT department provided the backbone of the schools ability to communicate and educate students integrate technology into the classrooms. There is little room for reductions inspending. I z I z Town Direct Costs Town Indirect Costs WA Administrative Support Staff Salaries/Wages $779,348 100% Ta4h z/ /nhznrnamon��Tp,hn°�^.o=k/"� �aN�se spiedaisdvcativcprrjgran^Hank"o�5 The IT department provided the backbone of the schools ability to communicate and educate students integrate technology into the classrooms. There is little room for reductions inspending. I z I z Odh6�r��xpe0kv�it0res — ----'—~'~ The services delivered by the administrative office and the Town of Westlake provide school wide support which have been presented under the previous programs. Town direct costs are direct operational expenses for the VVA campus previously booked to the municipal budget, but as of the current 2010-11 fiscal year, are now charged directly to the VVAoperating budget. The Town indirect costs, per Board direction, are scheduled tn be included in the VVA operating budget beginning inFY2O11-lZ. These indirect costs include finance, accounting, risk management, human resources, general administrative and managerial oversight, federal and state regulatory compliance, as well as direct support to the instructional and leadership staff at Westlake Academy. Town Direct Costs Town Indirect Costs WA Administrative Support Staff Salaries/Wages $779,348 100% Ta4h z/ /nhznrnamon��Tp,hn°�^.o=k/"� Odh6�r��xpe0kv�it0res — ----'—~'~ The services delivered by the administrative office and the Town of Westlake provide school wide support which have been presented under the previous programs. Town direct costs are direct operational expenses for the VVA campus previously booked to the municipal budget, but as of the current 2010-11 fiscal year, are now charged directly to the VVAoperating budget. The Town indirect costs, per Board direction, are scheduled tn be included in the VVA operating budget beginning inFY2O11-lZ. These indirect costs include finance, accounting, risk management, human resources, general administrative and managerial oversight, federal and state regulatory compliance, as well as direct support to the instructional and leadership staff at Westlake Academy. Table �8 '0014,? Expenditures 110: Town Direct Costs Town Indirect Costs WA Administrative Support Staff Salaries/Wages $779,348 100% Table �8 '0014,? Expenditures 110: