HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrochure handoutInformation Technology is part of MYP Technology subject group as well as Design Technology. Our Technology Coordinator ensures the essential skills for learning are taught to students in their units of inquiry. In Grade 10, students take a Computer Science course within their MYP Technology subject group. Information Literacy: In order to support and encourage inquiry-based teaming, teachers in collaboration with the librarian and technology coordinator offer resources to students through Questia, e- books, Google Applications for Education, and the Westlake Academy library, which includes research databases, among others. The Blacksmith: The Blacksmith course is designed to address student life at Westlake Academy. At the core of this course is the learning culture of the school. The course will educate students on the Middle Years Programme and serve as an authentic guide and realistic W E S T L A K E approach to the school's mission statement. The course A C A D E M Y at the core answers the question, what does it mean to be a student in the Middle Years Programme at Westlake Academy? The Personal Project: Personal Project is a student produced research investigation using the Design Cycle. This project prepares students for their studies in the Diploma Program as well as University level projects. rtily Community Service: Cammu Students participate in on -going community service activities in order to foster relationships in the community. Students become "inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young ,�'! ✓'liGGl' people." The MYP curriculum at Westlake is criterion assessed using a 1 to 7 scale for assessments. All assessment is based on the central idea or desired learning outcomes for each unit taught in each grade level. Teachers use a combination of formative and summative assessment in the MYP. Formative assessment is integrated into daily classroom lessons and activities. Summative assessment is based on end of unit assessments which enable students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the learning that has taken place. Written reports are sent home four times a year, at the conclusion of each quarter. In addition, students in the MYP receive progress reports at the 4 -week mark per quarter. Students and parents are able to electronically access their student's performance for each course. Parents are invited to attend a Back to School Night and Curriculum Night to meet the staff faculty and view resources used in the MYP at the start of the academic year. Parents will also be invited to attend teacher - parent - student conferences which are scheduled once a year and on as- needed basis. Parents, students, and staff members sign and agree to a learning commitment in the MYP. All information is posted on our school website www.westlakeacademy.org. All teachers are accessible by e- mail or through individual teacher websites. ✓ A state of the art outdoor media space where stud( perform theatre productions ✓ Two multimedia portable laptop labs with full Intei access. ✓ A modern, well designed sports gymnasium. ✓ Modern Arts and Science building with advan technology capabilities for science instruction. ✓ An award - winning student operated newspaper, ' Black Cow. ✓ A film- processing darkroom, accessible for stud( studying photography. • Two state of the art kilns for pottery instruction. • A Special Learning Needs Center, where students rec( individual attention and in class support. ✓ Rosetta Stone accessible for all students and teacher help support Spanish as the school's second language ✓ A Secondary counselor to assist with transitions an( provide support to parents and students when requii The counselor also assists with study skills, COL selections, academic goal setting, as well as coil assistance. ✓ A student advisory program. ✓ A MYP Coordinator facilitates information evenings, assemblies and hosts a range of MYP activi throughout the academic year. V._- '11 Westlake Academy Mission Statement "Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life -long learners who become responsible global citizens" The Middle Years Programme has: • Highly qualified educators who are committed to the development of ethics and values in our students; these teachers come from nine different countries. • A warm, supportive and caring school climate. • Each class meets for 75 minutes on a block schedule allowing students to take a total of eight classes. The current teacher /student ratio is 20:1. • An international curriculum that will help students develo-O the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to participate actively and responsibly in a changing and increasingly interrelated world. ✓ Teaching practice that empowers students to think about 'how to learn' and `how to evaluate information critically' is as important as the content of the subjects themselves. • An outstanding parent organization: The House of Commons. • Extra - curricular activities, sports, and educational field trips. • An established MYP programme authorized by IBO in 2007. The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is an inquiry-based program structured on an international educational model. The program is designed for students between the ages of 11 and 16, studying in grades seven through ten. This period, encompassing early puberty and mid - adolescence, is a particularly critical phase of personal and intellectual development. Students develop knowledge, attitudes, and skills, which will enable them to compete globally. As we understand that this is a time of uncertainty, sensitivity, susceptibility, resistance, and questioning, teachers work together to support the school's mission by preparing our students to be confident, responsible, and caring life -long learners. Westlake Middle Years Programme aligns International Baccalaureate requirements with the Texas Education Agency's course requirements. The International Baccalaureate Organization (1130) Middle Years curriculum model is displayed in the shape of an octagon with eight academic areas or subject groups surrounding the Areas of Interaction. The emphasis is on the interrelatedness of the subjects and the skills of inquiry-based learning that is integrated throughout. The aspects of the five Areas of Interaction are addressed naturally within the subject disciplines. U qw¢ F _ \\ Sd 1 �a � � tedtwbgy MU 9,e 6 G G _ • O UJ O . �OkOW 0011 The MYP model provides a balanced education that will equip young people for effective participation in the modern world. The Areas of Interaction are: Approaches to Learn Environments, Health and Social Education, Community Sery and Human Ingenuity. The program is taught through structure because these areas bind us together as hum regardless of the location. The philosophy of the MYP, as it directly affects the child expressed in a series of desired attributes and traits. At Westls we aim to develop internationally minded students m recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianshil the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. We are developing students who are: ✓ Inquirers ✓ Knowledgeable • Thinkers • Communicators • Principled • Open- minded • Caring ✓ Risk - takers ✓ Balanced ✓ Reflective