HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuarterly reportWESTLAKE ACADEMY General Fund Ouarter Ended 11/30/10 Revenue Legend: Positive Cautious >95% 75%-95% ADOPTED BUDGET ADOPTED REVENUES Annual 3 months ADOPTED Budget YTD Dashboard Local Interest Earned $ 1,500 $ 375 $ 441 117.7% Local Gifts and Donations -BS 419,230 104,808 321,297 306.6% Local WAF Salary Reimbursement 64,858 16,215 14,262 88.0% Local Other Local Revenue 12,000 3,000 2,772 92.4% Local Athletics 51,953 15,586 12,024 77.1% Local Transportation Fees 20,000 6,000 - ' Local Parking Fees 12,840 3,852 7,106 184.5% Local Food /Beverage 3,000 750 - I W State State Foundation Revenue 3,748,836 937,209 859,469 91.7% State TRS On- behalf 189,630 - - 100.0% State Medicare Part D On- Behalf 6,165 - I - 100.0% TOTAL $ 4,530,013 $ 1,087,794 1 $ 1,217,371 111.9% Revenue Legend: Positive Cautious >95% 75%-95% Expenditure Legend: SUMMARY Net Revenues Over (Under) Exp Other Resources Other Uses Beginning Fund Balance (Audited) ** Ending Fund Balance Assigned Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance (Unassigned) # of Operating Days Dailv Oneratina Cost Positive < 100% Adopted Annual Budget 104,959 $ 86,432 (99,272) 767,490 859,609 114,838 744,771 $ $12,123 1 Cautious 101 % -110% Adopted YTD Budget (151,278) $ 767,490 38,752 767,490 806,242 114,838 691,404 57 $12,123 ADOPTED BUDGET ADOPTED EXPENDITURES Annual Budget 3 months YTD NU Dashboard FUNCTION Instructional 11 $ 2,438,264 $ 681,739 $ 709,853 1.04.12% Resources & Media 12 93,256 26,581 20,734 78.00 % Curriculum and Staff Dev 13 68,500 20,700 7,638 36.90% Instructional Leadership 21 133,415 37,631 38,278 101.72% School Leadership 23 298,877 78,323 75,779 96.75% Guidance & Counseling 31 164,757 47,333 42,738 90.29% Health Services 33 54,529 16,359 19,167 Food Services 35 9,700 2,768 3,241 CoCurricular Activities 36 114,098 33,604 21,041 62.61% Administration 41 279,300 93,207 91,289 97.94% Maintenance & Operations 51 546,560 137,116 89,564 65.32% Data Processing 53 158,851 45,373 42,703 94.11% lCommunity Services 61 64,949 1 18,338 1 16,593 90.48% TOTAL $ 4,425,054 $ 1,239,071 $ 1,178,619 95.12% OBJECT CODES $ 3,253,614 $ 912,952 $ 969,864 106.23% Payroll & Related 61 x Prof & Contracted Sry 62xx 641,745 185,136 127,015 68.61% Supplies & Materials 63xx 244,298 62,604 36,950 59.02% Other Operating Costs 64xx 285,397 78,379 44,790 57.15% Debt Service 65xx - - - - TOTAL $ 4,425,054 $ 1,239,071 $ 1,178,619 95.12% Expenditure Legend: SUMMARY Net Revenues Over (Under) Exp Other Resources Other Uses Beginning Fund Balance (Audited) ** Ending Fund Balance Assigned Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance (Unassigned) # of Operating Days Dailv Oneratina Cost Positive < 100% Adopted Annual Budget 104,959 $ 86,432 (99,272) 767,490 859,609 114,838 744,771 $ $12,123 1 Cautious 101 % -110% Adopted YTD Budget (151,278) $ 767,490 38,752 767,490 806,242 114,838 691,404 57 $12,123 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Analysis of Dashboard for Quarter Ended 11/30/2010 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 0 WAF Salary Reimbursement - 88% ($1,953) • Salary reimbursement was transferred on December 1St' O Other Local Revenue - 92.4% ($228) • Small quarterly variance from income received from local stores and other miscellaneous revenue. O Athletics - 77.1% ($3,562) • Due to the seasonality of the fees • Hard to calculate a 3 month revenue expectation due to the various sports and the timing of the fees paid for each ® Transportation Fees - 0% ($6,000) • Transportation Fees - budgeted $20K - none received in current fiscal year. We received approximately $13,000 in transportation revenue through "Back to School" fees which were received and booked in the prior fiscal year. The fees received in August of this year will be booked to the current fiscal year. • Transportation Fees - We will be collecting additional funds through athletic activity fees through the end of the school year. C-' Parking Fees - 184.5% ( +$3,254) • Parking Fees - budgeted $12,840 - We have collected $7,106. Not all the students parking on campus have purchased the required parking pass. We are working with the Keller Police Department to try and enforce the parking requirements. We anticipate collecting additional funds through the end of the school year. - Food and Beverage - 0% ($750) • The Academy contracts with Victual to cater lunch for the students. Victual has not made a payment for the first quarter of the 2010/11 school year. State Foundation Revenue - 91.7% ($77,740) • The Academy projected student enrollment of 530 students and currently has 520 enrolled. Due to the new on- boarding process, where the coordinators and counselors are explaining the requirements and expectations of students entering the school from the waiting list, the majority of students on the waiting list for the upper grades decided not to enter the Academy. 2 EXPENDITURES O Instructional - 104.12% - $28,115 • $7,606 - Due to the MYP evaluation, teachers have been involved in the self -study which requires additional substitute teacher support in the classrooms. • Teachers /administrators payroll percentages based on actual time in the classroom needs to be reclassified to various functions. Budget was based on estimated times. O Instructional Leadership - 101.72 % - $647 • There is a slight variance in the actual benefits. - Health Services - 118.66% - $3,014 • $1,300 -The nurse decided to participate in the health insurance program which had not occurred in previous years and the increased cost of the position was not reflected in the budget. • $1,800 - ESC payroll coordinator is researching variance. Appears there is not a discrepancy in the payroll paid and what was budgeted. - Food Services - 117.12% - $473 • Overtime in facility related activities was allocated between function 35 (Food Services) and 51 (Facilities) based on the original salary percentage allocation. Budget amendment will be made prior to year -end to true -up actual costs in each Function. I