HomeMy WebLinkAboutMYP Evaluation Presentation to BOT 1-2011MYP Evaluation Update December 2010 MYP Evaluation and the WA Strategic Plan 5.0 Westlake Academy’s IB curricula and assessment methods are a product of continuous review 5.2 Develop methods to review the curriculum and create alignment with TEKS and between the Primary Years, Middle Years and the Diploma program 5.2.1 Identify subject or activity specific programs to be reviewed annually, each spring or fall, for continuous improvement and internal evaluations MYP Authorization to Evaluation Authorization gained in August 2007 Evaluation for MYP is every four (4) years (PYP is every 3 years/DP every 5 years) Purpose of MYP Evaluation Evaluate the implementation of the program Assist WA in developing and maintaining dynamic programs that reflect the philosophy and the program standards and practices of the IBO (Self-study document) MYP Evaluation is not……….. A re -authorization of the school Seeking to appraise or assess individual teachers or students What ‘form’ does the evaluation take? A self -study, guided by a questionnaire that involves the whole school in its own assessment of its delivery of the program. The responses to the self-study are the outcomes of discussions and of reflections on the evidence gathered in the process. The MYP self-study precedes the program evaluation visit. The Questionnaire Introduction – general information Section A: Philosophy (1/10) Section B: Organization (1/10) Section C: Curriculum (Feb. Meeting) Section D: Students (Feb. Meeting) Appendices-Schedules/Staff Training Summary of Main Conclusions Specified Documentation Section A: Philosophy-Strengths (Staff, Parents & BOT) Commitment to the principles defined in the IBO Mission statement and the WA Mission. Continuous improvement reflected by the Strategic Plan and MYP goals and action plans for 2011-2012. Promotion of student inquiry and critical thinking skills. Section A: Philosophy-Plans/Proposals for Improvement (Cont.) Coordination of the written curriculum and to develop unit planners within and across subject groups. Oct. 2010/ongoing-Principal and MYP Coord. Strengthen and develop fundamental concepts (Holistic learning, intercultural awareness &, communication). Dec. 2010/ongoing-Principal, MYP Coordinator and Teachers Section A: Philosophy-Plans/Proposals for Improvement (cont.) Implement and begin to develop opportunities to celebrate and foster the understanding of cultures within the school. Dec. 2010/ongoing-Prin. and MYP Coord. Provide and develop resources that provide access to different cultures, perspectives and languages. Dec. 2010/ongoing-Prin. and MYP Coord. Jan.2011/MYP Coord. & teachers Section A: Philosophy-Plans/Proposals for Improvement (Cont.) Investigate the possibility of providing for the acquisition of each students ‘mother’ tongue. Jan. 2011/ongoing-Prin. & MYP Coord. Continue to develop the school’s host language. Oct. 2010/ongoing-MYP Coord. Spanish teachers Section B: Organization-Strengths (Staff, Parents & BOT) The Board of Trustees is explicitly supportive of the philosophy of the program. Professional development is on-going and supports the MYP programme. Fund 100 School based funding Section B: Organization-Strengths (Cont.) There is a consistent channel of communication for all stakeholders through the Westlake Communiqué. MYP principal and programme coordinator demonstrate pedagogical leadership. The MYP principal, programme coordinator, teaching staff and non-teaching staff are committed as a community of learners and uphold the school’s Mission statement. Section B: Organization-Strengths (Cont.) The eight subject area courses are structured according to the IB required time designation. There is commitment and ongoing review of the Strategic Plan. The The Blacksmith program in Grade 7 and 8. Quarterly MYP assemblies take place to share units of work through an Areas of Interaction. Section B: Organization-Plans and Proposals for Improvement Continue to develop a system for monitoring the MYP program: The proposals for improvement from the 2011 MYP Self-study will be placed in the executive summary of the MYP principal’s Performance Plan that is an internal monitoring device. Yearly-MYP Principal and MYP Coordinator Collaborative subject based and interdisciplinary planning meetings on a bi-monthly basis to monitor the MYP Unit Planners and written curriculum. Dec.2010/ongoing-MYP Coordinator and MYP Teachers Section B: Organization-Plans and Proposals for Improvement (Cont.) Implementation of ways to reflect on how students have demonstrated the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.Jan 2011/ongoing-Principal and teachers Students reporting on the attributes of the IB Learner Profile (Maximum of 2) each semester. January 2011/ongoing-Students Teacher reflections after the completion of an MYP unit planner. January 2011/ongoing -MYP Teachers Section B: Organization-Plans and Proposals for Improvement (Cont.) Introduce a Self-reflection process for the appraisal of the Middle Years Program Co-ordinator based on job description. December 2010/Ongoing-MYP Principal Investigate ways to use the existing schedule for collaborative planning time and create further opportunities for collaborative planning for the next academic year’s schedule. Dec. 2010/ongoing-MYP coord. Use technology for student research and reference material as an avenue to promote the full services of the Librarian and to offset the insufficient space of the current library and resources for MYP. December 2010/Ongoing-MYP Principal and Primary Librarian Section B: Organization-Plans and Proposals for Improvement (Cont.) Review the school’s Language Policy to reflect the importance a student’s mother tongue and the host country’s language. December 2010/Ongoing-MYP Coord. Make further use of and add to the Groups folder whereby teachers who leave the school permanently will be accountable for the update and location of the written curriculum and submit all coursework that has been completed. November 2010/Ongoing-MYP Coord. Section C: Curriculum & Section D: Students as Part 2 of Updates The Outcomes of the visit The central purpose of the program evaluation process and the subsequent report is for the evaluation team to: Identify the strengths and the areas for improvement in the school’s implementation of the program and to define what actions might be necessary. Obtain a clear overview of how the school’s implementation of the program compares with the standards and practices of the IBO. The Outcomes of the visit (cont.) Evaluative, and not attempt to prescribe—unless it is necessary to do so because the school’s program does not meet the required standards and practices. The report will not be speculative. Base the report on the school’s self-study, the evidence provided and the observations of the team members. Assist management decisions within the school and to improve the implementation of the program. The Outcomes of the visit (cont.) Identify commendations, recommendations and matters to be addressed where appropriate. Communicate clearly, and be consistent with the statements and judgments contained within the main body of the report. Completed Self-study The school principal is responsible for completing the final “Summary of main conclusions” at the end of the questionnaire. If there is a director/head of school in addition to the school principal, they must add their summary comments at the end of the self-study questionnaire.