HomeMy WebLinkAboutFacility Option Reports 2011 - Peter Hayes_Part5 Westlake Academy Primary School Addition (6 Rooms) To open Fall 2014 in Option 4 5,200 SF Budget Detail Report Cost Code Description Budget Notes 01 Professional Services 01100 Project Management Services $29,664 Based on 3%of construction cost 01120 Project Management Additional Services $0 Ot 130 Project Management Reimbursables $2,966 01200 A/E Services-Planning(---) $0 01210 A/E Services-Basic Services $65,919 Based on 7%of construction cost 01220 A/E Additional Services 53,296 01230 A/E Services Reimbursables $6,000 Other Consultants&Related Expenses 01300 Civil Engineer(- ) $15,000 01310 Surveying(---} $5,000 Allowance 01320 Signage (---) $2,000 01330 Geotechnical{---) $8,000 01340 Environmental/AHERA Report $5,000 01350 Materials Testing(- -} $9,888 1%of construction 01360 [blank] 01370 Data/IT/Security $20,000 01380 Regulatory/Printing/Pennits/Advert $9,4171%ofconst 01390 Other Reimbursables/Expenses 1 $10,000 Subtotal Professional Services $192,150 02 Prime Construction Contract 02200 Construction Contract $941,699 See Detail Estimate 02210 Contractor Contingency $0 Inc.in construction costs above 02220 Construction Contingency-5% $47,085 Subtotal Prime Construction Contract $988,784 03 Other Capital Improvement Contracts 03100 HVAC System Test.,Adjust.&Balancing $0 In Construction Contract 03110 Telephone $10,000 Allowance 03120 Utility Service/Easements/Ta2 Fees $25,000 Allowance 03130 Temporary Utilities In Construction Contract 03140 Signs 52,000 Allowance 03150 1 Fencing SO None Anticipated 03160 Security Systems $9,100$1.75/SF 03170 IT/Data(infrastructure) $13,000$2.50/SF 03180 IT Hardware $66,000$11k/classroom 03200 Furnishings/Equipment $42,000 $7k/classroom Subtotal Other Construction Contracts $167,100 Totals $1,348,034 04 Owner's Internal Costs 04100 Internal costs,fees,ete. $0 04200 1 Interest/closing expenses $0 04300 1131ank SO Subtotal Internal Costs $o 05 Owner's Contingency 05100 1 Owner's Project Contingency-(5%) $67,402 Subtotal Contingency* $67,402 Project Grand Totals $1,415,435 Westlake Academy Existing Kitchen Renovation To Open Fall 2013 in all options 1-4 Budget Detail Report 'PEI Cost Code Description Budget Notes 01 Professional Services 01100 Project Management Services $15,750 Based on 3%of construction test 01120 Project Management Additional Services $0 01130 Project Management Reimbursables $1,575 01200 A/E Services-Planning(---) $0 01210 A/E Services-Basic Services $35,000 Based on 7%of construction cost 01220 A/E Additional Services $1,750 01230 A/E Services Reiinbursables $6,000 Other Consultants&Related Expenses 01300 Civil Engineer(---) $0 01310 Surveying(---) $0 Allowance 01320 Signage (---) $0 01330 lGeotechnical(---} $0 01340 Env ironmental/A HERA Report $0 01350 Materials Testing(---) $0 1%of construction 01360 [blank] 01370 Data/IT/Security $2,000 01380 Regulatory/Printing/Pennits/Advert $5,000 1°/ofconst 01390 Other Reirnbursables/Expenses $5,000 Subtotal Professional Services $72,075 02 Prime Construction Contract 02200 Construction Contract $500,000 JAIlowance 02210 Contractor Contingency $0 I Inc.in construction costs above 02220 Construction Contingency-5% $25,000 Subtotal Prime Construction Contract $525,000 03 Other Capital Improvement Contracts 03100 HVAC System Test.,Adjust.&Balancing $0 In Construction Contract 03110 Telephone $500 Allowance 03120 Utility Service/Easements/Tap Fees $0 Allowance 03130 Temporary Utilities In Constructior Contract 03140 Signs $1,000 Allowance 03150 Drop-Off/Pick-Up Canopy&Fencing $0 03160 Security Systems $10,000 03170 IT/Data(infrastructure) $10,000 03180 IT Hardware $5,000 03200 Furnishings/Equipment $100,000 Subtotal Other Construction Contracts $126,500 Totals $723,575 04 Owner's Internal Casts 04100 Internal costs,fees,etc. $0 04200 Interest/closing expenses $0 04300 Blank $0 Subtotal Internal Costs $0 05 Owner's Contingency 05100 Owner's Project Contingency-(5%) $36,179 Subtotal Contingency* $36,179 Project Grand Totals $759,754