HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSC Update 11052012[WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] May 20, 2011 Westlake Academy | <Table of Contents 1 11/05/2012 Westlake Academy BSC Update [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] May 20, 2011 Westlake Academy | <Table of Contents 3 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Developing a Strategic Management System ........................................................................................ 6 Where we are Now ................................................................................................................................. 7 Snapshot of Current Data ....................................................................................................................... 7 Quarter 1 Grade Report Comparison ................................................................................................. 8 Attendance ......................................................................................................................................... 7 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] May 20, 2011 Westlake Academy | <Table of Contents 5 Introduction Westlake Academy began the strategic planning process in 2009. Faculty and staff members took a day to work in small groups focusing on the Academy’s vision and mission. During this process staff began identifying areas of strategic interest, as well as short and long-term goals. Members of the Westlake Academy Leadership Team participated in a facilitative role and later compiled the information. This was further refined and organized into the first draft of the Academy’s strategic plan. The first draft was presented to the Board of Trustees in January 2010. During the workshop, Board input was collected and integrated to further develop the Academy’s strategic plan. Through this iterative process, staff identified the Academy’s five desired outcomes or strategic themes: 1. High Student Achievement - Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and disciplined young people who use their unique talents to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. 2. Strong Parent & Community Connections - To involve all stakeholders in building a better Westlake Academy community. 3. Financial Stewardship & Sustainability - To ensure sufficient, well-managed resources to support and advance the mission of Westlake Academy. 4. Student Engagement & Extracurricular Activities - To ensure that all athletics, community service and extracurricular activities are held to the same standard of excellence as the curricula programs to promote well-balanced students. 5. Effective Educators & Staff - Recruit, develop and retrain a core faculty and staff with the personal qualities, skills and expertise to work effectively with the IB inquiry-based, student- centered curricula The Board adopted the first Westlake Academy Strategic Plan in April 2010 and requested that staff utilize this document as a tool to bring focus to the Academy’s efforts and more effectively maximize the Academy’s resources. The Academy’s five desired outcomes have continued to be central in the ongoing evolution of the Academy’s vision, values, and mission. Each year the Board and members of the staff review the strategic plan, take measure of our successes and shortfalls and try to bring to light areas for improvement. The Academy’s vision, values and mission were updated most recently in the June 2012 strategic planning and budget retreat. May 20, 2011 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] 6 Developing a Strategic Management System | Westlake Academy Developing a Strategic Management System In an effort to create an actionable strategic plan, members of the Westlake Academy Leadership Team focused on finding a framework or strategic management system that would provide direction and focus at all levels of the organization. The Balanced Scorecard System (BSC) was identified as a possible solution and an initial framework and draft was presented to the Board during the June 2011 budget and strategic planning retreat. The BSC system helps visually identify connectivity between the Academy’s resources through four lenses that exist in an organization: financial, human, processes, and stakeholders. During the process of identifying these areas of connection, staff was forced to ask: What are we trying to accomplish? Are we doing the right things, and if so, are we doing things right? Table 1 - Balanced Scorecard Perspectives Business Perspectives Westlake Academy Perspectives 1. Customer 1. Stakeholder Engagement 2. Financial 2. Financial Stewardship 3. Internal Processes 3. Educational & Administrative Methods 4. Learning and Growth 4. Leadership, Growth and Learning Staff presented the results of this process in the form of the Academy’s Strategy map during the June 2011 retreat. By answering these questions and creating an integrated strategic management system that aligns daily activities, financial and human resources with the Academy’s vision, values, and mission, the Academy’s faculty and staff members are better able to keep the focus of the organization on specific areas of interest. Ultimately, the strategic management system will incorporate the strategic planning, budget process, program improvement plans, and reporting into one integrated tool, providing greater insight into where the Academy’s limited resources have the greatest impact in reaching our desired outcomes. [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] May 20, 2011 Westlake Academy | <Table of Contents 7 Where we are Now During the June 2012 budget and strategic planning retreat, the Board viewed a draft copy of the Academy’s dashboard report. This report is designed to provide a visual tool that “spotlights” the areas where the Academy is doing well, as well as areas for improvement. During the retreat, staff presented several areas where data was not available and identified sources for collecting the data in the future. The Board requested to see an initial dashboard report in the September 2012 Board of Trustees workshop. Due to limited staff resources, and Board direction requesting a greater focus be placed on the Academy’s facility expansion efforts, this initial report was delayed. Compounding this issue is the loss of members of the leadership team, primarily the MYP Coordinator, and the anticipated loss of the DP Coordinator and the move of Dr. Calzini into the classroom. These human resource shortfalls have not allowed sufficient time and resources for implementation of the data collection processes that were identified in the June 2012 retreat has not been completed. Further, the Student Information System, TxEIS, that the Academy utilizes for managing the student and business data (demographic, attendance, grade, and financial) has undergone a recent upgrade which removed the ability to export some data in a usable format. Staff is in contact and working with the Education Service Center (ESC) to either find/develop a work around or replace the previous data export functionality. With the current organizational structure it may be necessary to redefine the scope and timeline for full implementation of the BSC strategic management system. In addition, staff is looking at options for utilizing a third party to mine our data and provide the support necessary for full implementation of the strategic management system. Snapshot of Current Data The following charts and graphs include areas of the dashboard report and strategic management system that we are currently able to access the data and update for the Boards review. Attendance As a public school, Westlake Academy’s primary source of funding is directly related to our Average Daily Attendance (ADA). The ADA is determined by the daily attendance taken each morning at 10:00 am. During the budget process, and based upon historical precedent, Westlake anticipates an ADA over the year of approximately 97%. Currently, the Academy has an ADA rate of 98%. This rate is similar to prior fiscal years and as the school year progresses, absenteeism will increase due to illness, vacation, and other various reasons. May 20, 2011 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] 8 Snapshot of Current Data | Westlake Academy Quarter 1 Grade Report Comparison In the strategic plan, one of the desired outcomes is High Student Achievement. In Figures 1 through 9, a year-on-year classroom performance comparison is provided. The data is provided in several views. In Figures 1 through 6, each grade level is charted by the overall average grades of each course. Figure 1 - Grade 7 Summary Figure 2 - Grade 8 Summary Figure 3 - Grade 9 Summary Figure 4 - Grade 10 Summary Figure 5 - Grade 11 Summary Figure 6 - Grade 12 Summary 70% 85% 100% Math Science English French Humanities PE Spanish Theater FY 12/13 Q1 FY 11/12 Q1 70% 85% 100% Algebra 1 Science English Humanities PE Spanish 1 French 1 FY 12/13 Q1 FY 11/12 Q1 70% 85% 100% English Geometry Biology PE Spanish 2 Theater Visual Arts World Geo. FY 12/13 Q1 FY 11/12 Q1 70% 85% 100% Algebra 2 Art Chemistry English PE Spanish 3 Theater Physics World Hist. FY 12/13 Q1 FY 11/12 Q1 70% 85% 100% IB Art SL IB Theater Physics Calculus Chemistry Economics IB Biology IB Economics IB Hist. Amer. IB Math … IB Spanish 4 TOK IB English 1 FY 12/13 Q1 FY 11/12 Q1 70% 85% 100% IB Art HL IB Bio IB Econ IB Env. … IB Hist IB Math SL IB Mathstudies IB Spanish 5 TOK IB English 2 FY 12/13 Q1 FY 11/12 Q1 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] May 20, 2011 Westlake Academy | <Table of Contents 9 In Figure 7, the overall average student grade provides a snapshot of the overall performance for each grade level (reached by averaging all student course grades by grade level). Figure 7 – Class Grade Averages for all Courses Combined by Grade Figures 8 and 9 provide a visual representation of where students are currently located scoring in each course. The red represents students that are failing (receiving a 69 or below in the first quarter). The yellow represents students that are falling below the desired level identified by teachers and administration (receiving between a 70 and 84). The green represents students are performing at a level exceeding the desired level identified by teachers and administration (receiving an 85 or better). 80% 82% 84% 86% 88% 90% G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 FY 11/12 Q1 FY 12/13 Q1 [WESTLAKE ACADEMY – STRATEGIC PLAN] May 20, 2011 Westlake Academy | <Table of Contents 11 Figure 8 – FY 11/12 Q1 Passing & Failing Summary Figure 9 – FY 12/13 Q1 Passing & Failing Summary 0 20 40 60 80 G7 English G8 English G9 - English G10 English IB English 1 IB English 2 G7 Spanish G8 Spanish 1 G9 Spanish 2 G10 Spanish 3 G11 Spanish 4 G12 Spanish 5 G7 French G7 Humanities G8 Humanities MYP World Geo MYP World Hist. G11 Economics G11 IB HistAmer G12 IB HistAmer G11 IB Econ G12 IB Econ G11 TOK G12 TOK G7 - Science G8 - Science G9 Biology G10 Chemistry G11 - Physics G11 IB Biology G12 IB Biology G11 Chemistry 1 G12 IB Env Sys G7 - Math G8 - Algebra 1 G9 - Geometry G10 - Algebra 2 G11 IB MathStud G12 IB MathStud G11 Calculus G12 IB Math SL G9 Theater G10 Art G11 - IB Art SL G12 - IB Art HL G11 - IBTheater G9 Visual Arts G10 Theater G7 Technology G8 Technology G10 Technology G7 PE G8 PE G9 PE G10 PE G7 Blacksmith 0 20 40 60 80 G7 English G8 English G9 - English G10 English IB English 1 IB English 2 English 2 English 4 G7 Spanish G8 Spanish 1 G9 Spanish 2 G10 Spanish 3 G11 Spanish 4 G12 Spanish 5 Span. Ab Initio G8 Spanish Audi G7 French G8 French Spanish 5 G7 Humanities G8 Humanities MYP World Geo MYP World Hist. MYP Government G11 Economics G11 IB HistAmer G12 IB HistAmer G11 IB Econ G12 IB Econ G12 TOK Special Topics MYP World Histo G7 - Science G8 - Science G9 Biology G10 Chemistry G11 Physics G11 IB Biology G12 IB Biology G11 Chemistry 1 G12 Chemistry 2 G12 IB Env Sys DP Physics 2 G10 Chemistry G12 Chem 2-HL G7 - Math G8 - Algebra 1 G9 - Geometry G10 - Algebra 2 G11 IB MathStud G12 IB MathStud G11 Calculus G12 IB Math SL G 9 Geometry G7 Theater G9 Speech G10 Art G11 - IB Art HL G12 - IB Art HL G11 - IBTheater G12 - IBTheater G9 Visual Arts G10 Theater G12-IBThAudit G7 PE G8 PE G9 PE G10 PE Failing 70 - 84 85 +