HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrips Policy Parameters SurveyBoard of Trustee Residential Tri gs PolicIL Value Evaluation Para mete — Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective— MISSION "'Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest qualitj sJ they are well-balanced and respec#"ul life-long learners. " EDUCATIONAL VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Compassion and Understanding Page 1 of 3 Understanding WAIs vision, values, and mission as well as its strategic plan :/- , ,. •1', outcomes, the following evaluation parameters have been identified as possible guides for drafting a new Board L .= i. l =,, policy. These e parameters are defined follows: as Evaluation Parameters ® E ui - the new proposed policy should establish a framework whereby residential trips are accessible and available to all students in the grade(s) identified for a particular trip, however, those that choose not to go are offered meaningful academic services while their classmates are away on the trip. ® Cost /Affordability- the new proposed policy should emphasize trip destinations that are cost effective, from both the parents' and the school's vantage point. ® Predictability- the proposed policy should build tradition and establish, as an end, to have a schedule by grade with a general trip destination identified (international, national, or local) as well as the approximate time of year the trip will be conducted. ® Student/Parent Desires- the new proposed policy should, to the extent practicable, take into account students' and parents' desires for student residential trips. ® Faculty Desires- the new proposed policy should, to the extent practicable, take into account the faculty's desires for student residential trips. Evaluation Parameter ® Academic and Experiential Focus- the proposed policy should communicate the expectation that all residential trips will have a clearly defined student academic and experiential purpose and focus tied to the school's curriculum and the I13 Learner Profile. ® Grade /Age Appropriateness and Variety of Trip Experiences Offered - the proposed policy should provide that residential trips offered will be grade /age appropriate and offer a variety of educational opportunities over the course of a student's academic career at Westlake Academy. Page 2 of 3 Evaluation Parameter ® Personal Develotsment and Team Duildin - the proposed policy should establish that the trip destination, as well as the trip experience itself, will clearly provide for both WA students' individual development, as well as build teamwork among the classes and /or grades undertaking the trip. Evaluation Parameter ® Participation Requirement- the proposed policy should establish that participation of a majority of the class or grade in question will attend the residential trip in order for the trip to be authorized. Safety and Positive Interaction- the proposed policy should emphasize that residential trips be planned with the intent that student safety is paramount and never compromised. That chaperones be trained and able to educate and promote students' awareness and understanding of the students' personal responsibility for their behavior and positive interaction with their peers.