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Res 97-02 Expressing Interest in Entering into a Contract for Water Service with the City of Fort Worth
Res 97-03 Suspension of all Contractual Service Arrangements with Exception of Metroplex Engineering
Res 97-04 Authorizing the Transfer of Cable Television Franchise
Res 97-05 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Circle T Ranch
Res 97-06 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Circle T Ranch
Res 97-07 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - City of Roanoke
Res 97-08 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Circle T Ranch II
Res 97-09 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - City of Roanoke II
Res 97-10 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Slocum
Res 97-11 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Slocum
Res 97-12 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Hoover
Res 97-13 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Hoover
Res 97-14 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Gunnels and Farrell
Res 97-15 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Gunnels and Farrell
Res 97-16 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - HCA
Res 97-17 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - HCA
Res 97-18 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Carpenter/Moore
Res 97-19 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Carpenter/Moore Tracts
Res 97-20 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Dudley
Res 97-21 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction - Dudley
Res 97-22 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Oien
Res 97-23 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Oien
Res 97-24 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Huntress
Res 97-25 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Huntress
Res 97-26 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – White
Res 97-27 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – White
Res 97-28 Resolution Approving Roanoke Settlement
Res 97-29 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Solana
Res 97-30 Joint Resolution and Agreement Release and Acceptance of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Solana
Res 97-31 Indemnification of Alderman – Moore
Res 97-32 Indemnification of Alderman - Oien
Res 97-33 Indemnification of Alderman - Dudley
Res 97-34 Indemnification of Alderman - Huntress
Res 97-35 Indemnification of Alderman - White
Res 97-36 Establishing a Checking Account at Keller State Bank, Authorizing Signers, and Establishing Procedures for Transferring Funds
Res 97-37 Establishing Regular Meetings for the Board of Alderman
Res 97-38 Approving Amendments to the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1996-1997
Res 97-39 Supporting the Boundary Between Denton County and Tarrant County - NOT PASSED
Res 97-40 Authorizing Filing of Petition Under Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code
Res 97-41 Establishing a Checking Account at Keller State Bank, Authorizing Signers, and Establishing Procedures for Transferring Funds
Res 97-42 Establishing Regular Meetings for the Board of Alderman
Res 97-43 Adopting Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998
Res 97-44 Approving Amendments to the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1996-1997
Res 97-45 Establishing a Checking Account at a Qualified State or National Bank Within 15 Miles of Town Hall
Res 97-46 Approving Amendments to the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1996-1997
Res 97-47 Authorizing the Law Firm of Goins, Underkofler, Crawford and Landgon to File a Counterclaim
Res 97-48 Adopting Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998
Res 97-49 Authorizing the Settlement in Donald R. Redding V. Town of Westlake
Res 97-50 Establishing Regular Meetings for the Board of Alderman
Res 97-51 Amendment to the Law Enforcement Agreement with the Town of Trophy Club
Res 97-52 Appointing M Chambers as a Municipal Judge
Town Audit 09-30-1997