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Resolution 23-01 Appointing Martha Solis as Court Administrator
Resolution 23-02 Government Capital Securities Financial Services
Resolution 23-03 Bond Counsel McCall Parkhurst & Horton
Resolution 23-04 Grant for Steele & Freeman Construction Manager At Risk
Resolution 23-05 Grant To WAAC For Gym at Westlake Academy
Resolution 23-06 Geln Partners for Architect Svc for Gym
Resolution 23-09 Commercial Recorder Official Newspaper
Resolution 23-10 Brodie Modular Two Modular Buildingsat Westlake Academy
Resolution 23-11 Steele & Freeman Gym Remodel
Resolution 23-12 Replat Lot 1, Blk J Entrada
Resolution 23-13 REplat Lot 1, Blk L of Entrada Addn
Resolution 23-14 Approving the PZ Bylaws
Resolution 23-16 authorized signers for First Finanical and Texpool
Resolution 23-17 Bank Signers Trust Account First Financial
Resolution 23-18 Amend Signers PNC Account
Resolution 23-19 Mobile Modular Replace with Two Modular Buildings Academy
Resolution 23-21 Steel & Freeman WA Gym Remodel
Resolution 23-22 Authorized Signers Westlake Academy Depository
Resolution 23-23 Network Equipment for Modular Buildings
Resolution 23-24 Authorize Signers First Financial Bank
Resolution 23-25 Westlake Insurance Trust Account with First Financial
Resolution 23-26 PNC Account
Resolution 23-27 Tex Pool account signer
Resolution 23-28 Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Security System
Resolution 23-29 Org Chart
Resolution 23-32 ILA Roanoke Water and Wastewater
Resolution 23-34 PZ & TSHA Board Appts
Resolution 23-36 Keller Associate judges
Resolution 23-37 termination Michael Singer Artist Contract
Resolution 23-39 P&Z appointment Didarali
Resolution 23-40 WAF Appointments
Resolution 23-41 Town Council 2024 Calendar
Resolution 23-42 Johnson Control Fire Alarm Inspections
Resolution 23-44 Development Agreement Deloitte Expansion Final
Resolution 23-45 BOX Insurance Agency Property and Casualty Insurance
Resolution 23-46 Safe Haven Defense Security Film for Westlake Academy
Resolution 23-48 Keller Police Contract Extension
Resolution 23-50 Approving the Town's Investment Policy
Resolution 23-52 Pace Purchasing for IT Software
Resolution 23-54 Ratify Tax
Resolution 23-55 Network Security Hardware Lease
Resolution 23-58 EDC Villaggio Residential Development with Exhibits
Resolution 23-59 Newspaper of Record Commercial Recorder of Tarrant County
Resolution 23-60 Inspira Enterprises lfr
Resolution 23-61 Arctic Wolf renewal lfr
Resolution 23-62 McCall, Parkhurst Bond Counsel
Resolution 23-63 ILA Tarrant County Public Health
Resolution 23-64 Control Specialist Services
Resolution 23-65 Zoom Meeting
Resolution 23-66 Financial Policies Combined lfr