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Ord 495 Amending Chapter 90 Altering Prima Facie Speed Limit on State Highway 114
Ord 496 Renaming Kirkwood Boulevard to Solana Boulevard
Ord 497 Authorizing the Town to enter into an Agreement with Employees Retirement System to extend Social Security Coverage to officers and employees
Ord 498 Calling a General and Special Election for Mayor and two Aldermen and dissolving 4A Corporation and adopting ½ cent sales tax to reduce the property tax rate
Ord 499 Granting a Specific Use Permit for a private water well at 2254 King Fisher Drive
Ord 500 Granting a Specific Use Permit for a private water well at 1205 Perdenales Trail
Ord 501 Amending Chapter 70 to add an additional exception allowing signage for events sponsored by the Town or local civic clubs
Ord 502 Approving an application for a specific use permit for a private water well at 2003 Navasota Cove
Ord 503 Amending Chapter 94 Adding a Drought Contingency Plan
Ord 504 Amending Chapter 98 Adding an Irrigation Conservation Plan
Ord 505 Amending Chapter 70 granting special exceptions for commercial sign standards
Ord 506 Amending Chapter 70 adding a time limit for the display of signs
Ord 507 Denying the request of ATMOS Energy Corporation for an annual gas reliability infrastructure program rate increase
Ord 508 Approving an application for a specific use permit for a private water well at 2013 Post Oak Place
Ord 509 Granting a specific use permit for a private water well, located at 2399 J.T. Ottinger Road (to be re-addressed 3120 J.T. Ottinger Road.)
Ord 510 Amending Chapter 90 Section 90-52 allowing for the addition of a yield signs
Ord 512 Amending multiple Chapters of the Code of Ordinances